Motion Control – XY Alignment Stage Featuring High Resolution and High Repeatability Available from OES!

Motion Control – XY Alignment Stage
 Motion Control - OES Alignment Stage

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Van Nuys, CA – — Motion Control – The AU200-50×50-SC Alignment Stage from Optimal Engineering Systems, Inc. (OES) is a high resolution, high repeatability XY stage for such applications as: alignment, assembly, laser drilling, machining, medical, industrial, semiconductor handling, testing, scanning, and optical applications. The linear travel of the X and Y axes is 50 mm x 50mm, and the resolution of each axis is 5 microns (non-micro-step) or 0.125 microns (with 20 micro-steps per step motor driver in use), repeatability is 1.5 microns, and positional accuracy is 5 microns.

The 1 mm per-turn lead screws and preloaded V-groove and crossed roller bearings contribute to the high precision and stiffness of the AU200-50×50-SC Alignment Stage.

The XY table measures 155 mm x 155 mm and features a precision pattern of drilled and threaded mounting holes to facilitate the addition tooling or fixtures. Additionally a table with a large open aperture is also available. This low profile black anodized aluminum XY stage is easy to integrate into new or existing systems.

The two-phase stepper motors with knobs for manual adjustments of each axis are standard for the AU200-50×50-SC Alignment Stage, however, the knobs can be replaced with incremental encoders for position verification or closed loop operation. As an option, servo motors are also available. Compatible Motion Controllers are also available from OES and the AU200-50×50-SC alignment stage can be ordered as a complete plug-and-play system.

About OES – Motion Control – Optimal Engineering Systems, Inc. (OES) is a manufacturer of motion control products including: Stepper motor controllers and drivers, solenoid electronics, and positioning stages and slides. Applications include: Animation, automated assembly systems, automation, CNC machines, flight simulation, inspection systems, linear and rotary stages, machine tools, medical devices, motion control camera boom systems, optical comparators, CMMs, pan-tilt gimbals, PCB assembly & inspection, pick-and-place, positioning stages, robotics, scanners, security cameras, telescope drive mechanisms, time-lapse photography and winders.

Some of the industries OES serves are: Aerospace, Astronomy, Chemical, Communications, Educational Institutes, University, Colleges, Government Agencies, National Labs, Manufacturing, Medical, Metrology, Military, Motion Control, Museum, News Agencies, Semiconductor and Test Equipment. Optimal Engineering Systems, Inc’s. competitive advantage is its state-of-the-art in-house manufacturing facility in North America enabling OES to supply clients with custom designed orders or high volume just-in-time deliveries advantage is its state-of-the-art in-house manufacturing facility in North America enabling OES to supply clients with custom designed orders or high volume just-in-time deliveries globally.

For additional information contact Customer Service at Optimal Engineering Systems, Inc. (OES) , 6901 Woodley Ave, Van Nuys, CA 91406; Tel: 888-7071-1826, +1 (818) 222-9200, E-Mail: or visit the website at

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